SQL server attach a series of database using query
1 . step one
save all attach database name of you pc sql server using following command.
SELECT * FROM sys.master_files
Save the result to excel sheet.
now if you re-install your pc OS.
use the following. query for resotre all database. you may need some tuning to your database depend on the data found.
declare @dbName nvarchar(max)
declare @dbpath nvarchar(max)
declare dbc cursor for
-- Note F1 condition is used for escap some database . no need to attach those db
-- Note F2 condition is used to load only mdf file
select db_name,path from tablesm where F1>9 and F2=1
open dbc
fetch next from dbc into @dbName,@dbpath
while @@fetch_status = 0
declare @logs nvarchar(max)
-- Note generating log file location from mdf file.
set @logs = substring(@dbpath,0,len(@dbpath)-3) + '.LDF'
--print @logs
declare @SQL nvarchar(max)
set @SQL ='
( FILENAME = '''+@dbpath+''' ),
( FILENAME = '''+@logs+''' )
--print @SQL
exec( @SQL)
fetch next from dbc into @dbName,@dbpath
close dbc
deallocate dbc